Gum (botany)

Gum is a sap or other resinous material associated with certain species of the plant kingdom. This material is often polysaccharide-based and most frequently is associated with woody plants, particularly under the bark or as a seed coating. The polysaccharide material is typically of high molecular weight and most often highly hydrophilic[1] or hydrocolloidal.

As seed coating

Many gums occur as seed coatings for plant species; the adaptive purpose of some of these gummy coatings is to create a time delayed germination of certain flora seeds. An example of such a gummy coating occurs in the case of Western poison oak, a widespread shrub in western North America.[2]

See also

Line notes

  1. ^ Schröder, Monika J. A. (2003). Food Quality and Consumer Value: Delivering Food that Satisfies. Springer. ISBN 3540439145. 
  2. ^ Hogan, C. Michael (15 October 2008). "Western poison-oak: Toxicodendron diversilobum". In Nicklas Strömberg. GlobalTwitcher.